By submitting this form - You understand that you are herby authorizing workers and volunteers with Calvary Worship Center to photograph/film the minor(s) designated in this form in any manner or form for any lawful pupose associated with the VBS program. Images may be used in any form of church promotional material. These materials might include printed or electronic publications, websites, or other electronic communications. You hearby waive any and all claims or liability against Calvary Worship Center arising from the use of your child's images for the above purposes.
In addition to the above, you herby give your consent for the administration of Calvary Worship Center to seek any medical treatment deemed necessary at any hospital/medical facility resonably accessible; and you assume responsibility for any treatment performed. You also waive any and all claims or liabilities against CWC from injuries to your child that may occur while the child is on their premises/property.
* Facts concerning the child's medical history including allergies, medications being taken, and any physical imparements to which a physician should be alerted need to be included in the form below under 'Allergies or Medical Concerns.'